Life and Thought

Friday, April 29, 2005

Finally FYP is over

Dis will be my first blog....Today is a big day for me lar...just finished my FYP presentation. Feeling extremely relieved at last I can put this 'big thing' down. Haven't been really able to feel relax and such a good mood without the need to think of my FYP. I can say that spending almost a year in the FYP since starting degree until this third semester.

I think i have given my best effort to complete it. Learned a lot of things, and lastly the most important thing is not to give up on what you did and believed. It is the most important thing to feel confidence and lastly i admit i was quite nervous until my advisor told me to be relax and not so tight. But frankly speaking i didn't feel that my hands were cold or trembling but i realized my voice was showing the nervousness.

It was fine since everything had passed. Actually feeling quite sleepy and tired. But now still cannot sleep since I am having DCCN meeting online. But today quite nice after going back have a long chat wif Linda (sistah). So long I haven't chit chatting wif her, on her current life hahaha....She was having exam basically a hard time for her struggling. My time for exam is not far away, only a month left. After that really dunno how will i feel at that moment.

FYP is over but there are still 3 projects waiting....feel sooo...lazy to complete.
I need to stop now or else my groups will know i'm bloggin here.
Continue next time, for my first blog is talking mostly on FYP. Wat an experience for me.